About Me

About Me

09/09/2013 15:06
About Me Those who know me know I have a big mouth and always have a smartass or sarcastic remark in defence. But a few very close friends that knows me, knows that when I see injustices, I hurt, I get angry, I cry. I try to hide those feeling of hurt and sadness to the general human race as...

Who and what am I?

09/09/2013 15:04
Who and what am I? I am a survivor! I have been called many things over the years. Those who know me know I have a big mouth and always have a smartass or sarcastic remark in defence. But a few very close friends know what “names” actually hurt me. I hide those feeling of hurt...
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I have recently created a website for my art, I aim to do mostly custom orders.. 

Take a look it's called:

At the end of my brush
