Welcome to my website

My name is Johanne Marie; my friends usually call me Jo.

I was born and raised in Montréal Canada. I have travelled the whole of Canada, seen wonderful things that both the cities or the nature can offer. In my early 20’s I moved to Vancouver Canada where I stayed for over 10 years. I lived as a single mother but wasn’t. The father of my son was always away on some business trip, which left us, me and my son, alone for months in a city where I had no family or friends. Eventually I met a kindred spirit in Vancouver which eased the loneliness I felt living there.  Time passed and my mother came to visit me and my boy back in February 2006, little did we know that this visit was to be the last! She passed away little under a week from arriving. Again time, years passed and eventually my “imaginary” relationship to the father of my son ended, I had enough. And unexpectedly through social network I met a man, a man to whom I was drawn to, only problem, he was on the other side of the world from me! He was in Norway! I couldn’t believe it, I fell in love with a man who happened to live in the country of my ancestors, what are the odds that I would be called home?!!
Eventually I took a chance in 2009, I left Vancouver and I went to Norway to meet this man. We have been together ever since!
So here you have it, a quick introduction which when you think about it can be summarized by:

Hi, I’m Jo,I am 41 years old mother of an 18 years old son; I am a woman, an orphan, a friend, a lover... I am a human being!



Visitors be advised

Please take notice that the language used on this page can offend a certain public. But I wish to say about it, that: “This is MY blog and not yours; you are welcome to contribute your opinions as well as your life experiences. But you are not permitted to judge my or any other persons’ opinions. Difference in opinions does NOT suggest an opportunity to force judgement!

Thank you 



“For I have, more than once, seen Hel and she me, we have nothing in common besides destiny throwing us into one another's arms without warning. Every encounter brings the sorrow of the world upon my shoulder, throwing my body to the ground, limp and weaken by its weight. She laughs her echoing malicious laugh whom resonates within my humanity, ripping apart my hopes and dreams. Moreover, she laughs until all that remains within my being is the nightmarish emptiness that lingers for the remaining time. She soars away back to the depths… Until destiny brings us, back together once again.” 

Johanne Marie